• APRIL 1, 2022
  • Organized by the Center for Mediation and Community Security.

It brought together exceptional moderators and guests, MEPs, parliamentarians, local councilors, members of rural women’s associations and many, many other interesting speakers. There were also many participants and interventions from the networks we are part of as partners and project promoters. The event was about strong women, about women who inspire, about women who get involved.

The Equal opportunities workshop in associative structures with an economic role brought together over 30 representatives – members of the RuralNet network, women leaders in economic and non-economic agricultural associative structures or who work with women from the rural environment, representatives from the local rural public administration, NGOs – who work with rural women, agricultural cooperatives, representatives from LAGs, gender experts, think tanks, parliamentarians and MEPs, representatives of ANES, the Ministry of Labour, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Following this “marathon” of good practices and grassroots models, within the project we will submit to the decision makers a policy brief on the topic of equal opportunities.